Sunday, July 28, 2013

Wiktionary - Recent changes [en]: Module:User:Xoristzatziki/test1

Wiktionary - Recent changes [en]
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Jul 29th 2013, 06:43, by Xoristzatziki

Line 9: Line 9:

--TODO παραμετροποίηση χρωμάτων για ευκολότερη μελλοντική τροποποίηση


--TODO παραμετροποίηση χρωμάτων για ευκολότερη μελλοντική τροποποίηση


fulltable = function (args,frame)


fulltable = function (args,frame)

local output =''


--local output =''


local stitlestr = ''


local stitlestr = ''


local ptitlestr = ''


local ptitlestr = ''

Line 57: Line 57:

klplstr = '|' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { args[8], lang = 'el' } } .. '\n'


klplstr = '|' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { args[8], lang = 'el' } } .. '\n'





output= '<div class="NavFrame" style="width:' .. width1 .. '">\n'


--output= '<div class="NavFrame" style="width:' .. width1 .. '">\n'


--PROBLEM. preprocessing Closes first div and NOT the closer div


--PROBLEM. preprocessing Closes first div and NOT the closer div


-- output = output .. '<div class="NavHead" style="background:#cce4fc; text-align:left" >\ndeclension of ' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { PAGENAME, lang = 'el' } } .. '\n</div>\n'


-- output = output .. '<div class="NavHead" style="background:#cce4fc; text-align:left" >\ndeclension of ' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { PAGENAME, lang = 'el' } } .. '\n</div>\n'

local tempoutput = frame:preprocess('<div class="NavHead" style="background:#cce4fc; text-align:left" >\ndeclension of ' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { PAGENAME, lang = 'el' } } .. '\n</div>\n')


-- local tempoutput = frame:preprocess('<div class="NavHead" style="background:#cce4fc; text-align:left" >\ndeclension of ' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { PAGENAME, lang = 'el' } } .. '\n</div>\n')

output = output .. tempoutput .. '<div class="NavContent">\n'


--bypassing buggy div


local output = '<div class="NavContent">\n'


output = output .. '{| style="background:#fdfdfd; text-align:center; width:' .. width2 .. '; border-collapse:separate; border-spacing:1px" class="inflection-table"' .. '\n'


output = output .. '{| style="background:#fdfdfd; text-align:center; width:' .. width2 .. '; border-collapse:separate; border-spacing:1px" class="inflection-table"' .. '\n'


output = output .. '|-' .. '\n'


output = output .. '|-' .. '\n'

Line 68: Line 68:

output = output .. '! style="background:#e0f0ff" | genitive <small>(' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { '[[γενική]]', lang = 'el' } } .. ')</small>' .. '\n' .. genenstr .. genplstr .. '|-\n'


output = output .. '! style="background:#e0f0ff" | genitive <small>(' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { '[[γενική]]', lang = 'el' } } .. ')</small>' .. '\n' .. genenstr .. genplstr .. '|-\n'


output = output .. '! style="background:#e0f0ff" | accusative <small>(' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { '[[αιτιατική]]', lang = 'el' } } .. ')</small>' .. '\n' .. aitenstr .. aitplstr .. '|-\n'


output = output .. '! style="background:#e0f0ff" | accusative <small>(' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { '[[αιτιατική]]', lang = 'el' } } .. ')</small>' .. '\n' .. aitenstr .. aitplstr .. '|-\n'

output = output .. '! style="background:#e0f0ff" | vocative <small>(' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { '[[κλητική]]', lang = 'el' } } .. ')</small>' .. '\n' .. klenstr .. klplstr .. notes .. '\n' .. '|}</div></div>'


output = output .. '! style="background:#e0f0ff" | vocative <small>(' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { '[[κλητική]]', lang = 'el' } } .. ')</small>' .. '\n' .. klenstr .. klplstr .. notes .. '\n' .. '|}</div>'


return output


return frame:preprocess(output)






This module needs documentation and categorisation. Please create the documentation page.
  -- create decl table for greek nouns  -- either with stem + endings  -- or with full words  -- Also an option  -- to select if only singular or only plural exists  _module ={}        --TODO παραμετροποίηση χρωμάτων για ευκολότερη μελλοντική τροποποίηση  fulltable = function (args,frame)      --local output =''      local stitlestr = ''      local ptitlestr = ''      local onomenstr = ''      local onomplstr = ''      local genenstr = ''      local genplstr = ''      local aitenstr = ''      local aitplstr = ''      local klenstr = ''      local klplstr = ''      local notes = ''      local width1 = '50em'      local width2 = '100%'      local width3 = '33%'      local cols = 4      local hassingular = true      PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text      --if user wants only plural      if args['plural'] ~= nil then hassingular = false end      local hasplural = true      --if user wants only singular      if args['singular'] ~= nil then hasplural = false end      if hassingular ~= hasplural then          width1 = '40em'          width2 = '40em'          width3 = '50%'          cols = 3      end             if not (args['notes'] == nil or mw.ustring.len(args['notes']) < 1) then                  notes = '|-\n| colspan="' .. cols .. '" align="left" style="background:#d9ebff; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;" | '           notes = notes .. args['notes'] .. '\n'      end         if hassingular then          stitlestr =  '! style="background:#cce4fc" | singular <small>(' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { '[[ενικός]]', lang = 'el' } } .. ')</small>' .. '\n'          onomenstr =  '|' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { args[1], lang = 'el'  } }  .. '\n'          genenstr =   '|' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { args[3], lang = 'el'  } }  .. '\n'          aitenstr =   '|' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { args[5], lang = 'el'  } }  .. '\n'          klenstr =   '|' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { args[7], lang = 'el'  } }  .. '\n'      end      if hasplural then          ptitlestr = '! style="background:#cce4fc" | plural <small>(' .. frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Grek', args = { '[[πληθυντικός]]', lang = 'el'  } } .. ')</small>' .. '\n'          onomplstr =   '|' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { args[2], lang = 'el'  } }  .. '\n'          genplstr =    '|' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { args[4], lang = 'el'  } }  .. '\n'          aitplstr =   '|' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { args[6], lang = 'el'  } }  .. '\n'          klplstr =    '|' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { args[8], lang = 'el'  } }  .. '\n'      end      --output= '<div class="NavFrame" style="width:' .. width1 .. '">\n'       --PROBLEM. preprocessing Closes first div and NOT the closer div      --    output = output .. '<div class="NavHead" style="background:#cce4fc; text-align:left" >\ndeclension of ' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { PAGENAME, lang = 'el'  } }   .. '\n</div>\n'  --    local tempoutput = frame:preprocess('<div class="NavHead" style="background:#cce4fc; text-align:left" >\ndeclension of ' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { PAGENAME, lang = 'el'  } }   .. '\n</div>\n')      --bypassing buggy div      local output = '<div class="NavContent">\n'      output = output .. '{| style="background:#fdfdfd; text-align:center; width:' .. width2 .. '; border-collapse:separate; border-spacing:1px" class="inflection-table"' .. '\n'      output = output .. '|-' .. '\n'      output = output .. '! style="width:' .. width3 .. ';background:#cce4fc" |' .. '\n' .. stitlestr .. ptitlestr .. '|-\n'      output = output .. '! style="background:#e0f0ff" | nominative <small>(' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { '[[ονομαστική]]', lang = 'el'  } } .. ')</small>' .. '\n' .. onomenstr .. onomplstr .. '|-\n'      output = output .. '! style="background:#e0f0ff" | genitive <small>(' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { '[[γενική]]', lang = 'el'  } } .. ')</small>' .. '\n' .. genenstr .. genplstr .. '|-\n'      output = output .. '! style="background:#e0f0ff" | accusative <small>(' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { '[[αιτιατική]]', lang = 'el'  } } .. ')</small>' .. '\n' .. aitenstr .. aitplstr .. '|-\n'      output = output .. '! style="background:#e0f0ff" | vocative <small>(' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Grek', args = { '[[κλητική]]', lang = 'el'  } } .. ')</small>' .. '\n' .. klenstr .. klplstr .. notes .. '\n' .. '|}</div>'          return frame:preprocess(output)  end     -- @param      --TODO change these two params to one (num = '' or 'singular' or 'plural'  --  'singular' :  (not empty, with anything as value) only singular   --  'plural' : (not empty, with anything as value) only plural     --  'stem1' : stem  --  1 : nominative singular  --  2 : nominative plural  --  'αε' : αιτιατική του ενικού (ή μόνο η κατάληξη)  --  'κε' : κλητική του ενικού (ή μόνο η κατάληξη)  --  'οπ' : ονομαστική του πληθυντικού (ή μόνο η κατάληξη)  --  'γπ' : γενική του πληθυντικού (ή μόνο η κατάληξη)  --  'απ' : αιτιατική του πληθυντικού (ή μόνο η κατάληξη)  --  'κπ' : κλητική του πληθυντικού (ή μόνο η κατάληξη)  -- αν υπάρχει παράμετρος "θέμα1" τότε  -- οι παράμετροι περιέχουν μόνο τις καταλήξεις  -- οπότε προσθέτουμε και το θέμα1  function _module.declwithstem(frame)      local args = frame.args       local lemmaargs = frame:getParent().args       -- if stem1 exists means that numbered parameters are only endings      if  args['stem1'] ~= nil and  mw.ustring.len(args['stem1']) > 0 then          -- concatenate them          args[1] = args['stem1'] .. args[1]          args[2] = args['stem1'] .. args[2]          args[3] = args['stem1'] .. args[3]          args[4] = args['stem1'] .. args[4]          args[5] = args['stem1'] .. args[5]          args[6] = args['stem1'] .. args[6]          args[7] = args['stem1'] .. args[7]          args[8] = args['stem1'] .. args[8]      end      --inherit notes from notes in lemma's template invocation      --override template notes      --TODO concatenate notes from lemma and template      if ((lemmaargs['notes'] ~= nil)  or  (lemmaargs['notes'] ~='')) then args['notes'] = lemmaargs['notes'] end      -- else parameters are full words  -- preprocess is necessery because it includes Template Grek      return frame:preprocess(fulltable(args,frame))      end     function _module.declwithstemtext(frame)      local args = frame.args       local lemmaargs = frame:getParent().args       -- if stem1 exists means that numbered parameters are only endings      if  args['stem1'] ~= nil and  mw.ustring.len(args['stem1']) > 0 then          -- concatenate them          args[1] = args['stem1'] .. args[1]          args[2] = args['stem1'] .. args[2]          args[3] = args['stem1'] .. args[3]          args[4] = args['stem1'] .. args[4]          args[5] = args['stem1'] .. args[5]          args[6] = args['stem1'] .. args[6]          args[7] = args['stem1'] .. args[7]          args[8] = args['stem1'] .. args[8]      end      --inherit notes from notes in lemma's template invocation      --override template notes      --TODO concatenate notes from lemma and template      if ((lemmaargs['notes'] ~= nil)  or  (lemmaargs['notes'] ~='')) then args['notes'] = lemmaargs['notes'] end      -- else parameters are full words  -- preprocess is necessery because it includes Template Grek      return fulltable(args,frame)    end  -- for debuging in debug console  -- remove hyphens to uncomment  function _module.test()      local args = {}      --args['stem1'] = 'θέμα'      args[1] = 'ονομεν'      args[2] = 'γενεν'      args[3] = 'αιτεν'      args[4] = 'κλεν'      args[5] = 'ονομπλ'      args[6] = 'γενπλ'      args[7] = 'αιτπλ'      args[8] = 'κλπλ'      --args['plural'] = 1      --args['singular'] = 1      --args['notes'] = 'some notes with [[anything]]'      return fulltable2(args) --unprocessed text, not expanded  end     return _module  

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