Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wiktionary - Recent changes [en]: 清热药

Wiktionary - Recent changes [en]
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Feb 27th 2013, 22:33

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清热泻火 (herbs used to clear ''heat'' and purge ''fire'')


清热泻火 (herbs used to clear ''heat'' and purge ''fire'')


* [[栀子]], ''fruit of ''[[Gardenia]]''''


* [[栀子]], ''fruit of ''[[Gardenia]]


* [[石膏]], ''[[gypsum]]''


* [[石膏]], ''[[gypsum]]''

* [[天花粉]], ''root of {{taxlink|Trichosanthes|genus}}''


* [[天花粉]], ''root of'' {{taxlink|Trichosanthes|genus}}

* [[知母]], ''rhizome of {{taxlink|Anemarrhena|genus}}''


* [[知母]], ''rhizome of'' {{taxlink|Anemarrhena|genus}}

* [[芦根]], ''rhizome of {{taxlink|Phragmites|genus}}''


* [[芦根]], ''rhizome of'' {{taxlink|Phragmites|genus}}

* [[决明子]], ''seed of ''[[Cassia]]''''


* [[决明子]], ''seed of'' [[Cassia]]

* [[夏枯草]], ''''[[Prunella]]'' plant''


* [[夏枯草]], [[Prunella]]'' plant''


* [[谷精草]], ''[[pipewort]]''


* [[谷精草]], ''[[pipewort]]''


* [[青箱子]], ''seed of the [[cockscomb]]''


* [[青箱子]], ''seed of the [[cockscomb]]''

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* [[牡丹皮]], ''root-bark of moutan [[peony]]''


* [[牡丹皮]], ''root-bark of moutan [[peony]]''


* [[赤芍]], ''root of red [[peony]]''


* [[赤芍]], ''root of red [[peony]]''

* [[生地黄]], ''root of {{taxlink|Rehmannia|genus}}''


* [[生地黄]], ''root of'' {{taxlink|Rehmannia|genus}}''

* [[玄参]], ''root of {{taxlink|Scrophularia|genus}}''


* [[玄参]], ''root of'' {{taxlink|Scrophularia|genus}}

* [[紫草]], ''root of {{taxlink|Arnebia|genus}} or {{taxlink|Lithospermum|genus}}''


* [[紫草]], ''root of'' {{taxlink|Arnebia|genus}} or {{taxlink|Lithospermum|genus}}


清热燥湿 (herbs to clear ''heat'' and eliminate ''dampness'')


清热燥湿 (herbs to clear ''heat'' and eliminate ''dampness'')


* [[秦皮]], ''bark of ''[[Fraxinus]]''''


* [[秦皮]], ''bark of ''[[Fraxinus]]


* [[白鲜皮]], ''bark of the [[baixian]]''


* [[白鲜皮]], ''bark of the [[baixian]]''

* [[黄芩]], ''root of {{taxlink|Scutellaria|genus}}''


* [[黄芩]], ''root of'' {{taxlink|Scutellaria|genus}}

* [[黄莲]], ''rhizome of {{taxlink|Coptis|genus}}''


* [[黄莲]], ''rhizome of'' {{taxlink|Coptis|genus}}


* [[黄柏]], ''bark of {{taxlink|Phellodendron|genus}}''


* [[黄柏]], ''bark of {{taxlink|Phellodendron|genus}}''

* [[龙胆草]], ''root of {{taxlink|Gentiana|genus}}''


* [[龙胆草]], ''root of'' {{taxlink|Gentiana|genus}}

* [[苦参]], ''root of {{taxlink|Sophora flavescentis|species}}''


* [[苦参]], ''root of'' {{taxlink|Sophora flavescentis|species}}


* [[椿皮]], ''bark of the Heavenly tree''


* [[椿皮]], ''bark of the Heavenly tree''

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清熱解毒 (herbs used to clear ''heat'' and ''toxics'')


清熱解毒 (herbs used to clear ''heat'' and ''toxics'')


* [[忍冬藤]], ''stem of {{taxlink|Lonicera japonica|species}}''


* [[忍冬藤]], ''stem of'' {{taxlink|Lonicera japonica|species}}

* [[金银花]], ''flower of {{taxlink|Lonicera japonica|species}}''


* [[金银花]], ''flower of'' {{taxlink|Lonicera japonica|species}}

* [[大青叶]], ''leaf of {{taxlink|Isatis|genus}}''


* [[大青叶]], ''leaf of'' {{taxlink|Isatis|genus}}


* [[连翘]], ''fruit of ''[[Forsythia]]''''


* [[连翘]], ''fruit of ''[[Forsythia]]''''


* [[穿心莲]], ''{{taxlink|Andrographis|genus}} plant''


* [[穿心莲]], ''{{taxlink|Andrographis|genus}} plant''

* [[鱼腥草]], ''{{taxlink|Houttuynia|genus}} plant''


* [[鱼腥草]], {{taxlink|Houttuynia|genus}} ''plant''

* [[败酱草]], ''{{taxlink|Patrinia|genus}} plant''


* [[败酱草]], {{taxlink|Patrinia|genus}} ''plant''


* [[马齿莧]], ''[[Portulaca]]''


* [[马齿莧]], ''[[Portulaca]]''

* [[蒲公英]], ''[[dandelion]] or {{taxlink|Taraxaci|genus}}''


* [[蒲公英]], ''[[dandelion]] or'' {{taxlink|Taraxaci|genus}}


* [[紫花地丁]], ''{{taxlink|Viola philippica|species}}''


* [[紫花地丁]], ''{{taxlink|Viola philippica|species}}''

* [[青黛]], ''{{taxlink|Indigo naturalis|species}}''


* [[青黛]], {{taxlink|Indigo naturalis|species}}

* [[白头翁]], ''root of the {{taxlink|Pulsatilla|genus}}''


* [[白头翁]], ''root of the'' {{taxlink|Pulsatilla|genus}}

* [[射干]], ''rhizome of the {{taxlink|Belamcanda|genus}}''


* [[射干]], ''rhizome of the'' {{taxlink|Belamcanda|genus}}

* [[红藤]], ''stem of the {{taxlink|Sargentodoxa|genus}}''


* [[红藤]], ''stem of the'' {{taxlink|Sargentodoxa|genus}}

* [[板蓝根]], ''root of the {{taxlink|Isatis|genus}}''


* [[板蓝根]], ''root of the'' {{taxlink|Isatis|genus}}

* [[山豆根]], ''root of the {{taxlink|Sophora tonkinensis|species}}''


* [[山豆根]], ''root of the'' {{taxlink|Sophora tonkinensis|species}}


* [[土茯苓]], ''wild [[tuckahoe]]''


* [[土茯苓]], ''wild [[tuckahoe]]''


* [[北豆根]], ''root of the [[Asiatic moonseed]]''


* [[北豆根]], ''root of the [[Asiatic moonseed]]''

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* [[漏芦]], ''root of the [[globethistle]]''


* [[漏芦]], ''root of the [[globethistle]]''


* [[绿豆衣]], ''skin of the [[mung bean]]''


* [[绿豆衣]], ''skin of the [[mung bean]]''

* [[鸦胆子]], ''fruit of the [[Java brucea]]''


* [[鸦胆子]], ''fruit of the'' [[Java brucea]]


* [[白毛夏枯草]]


* [[白毛夏枯草]]


* [[金荞麦]]


* [[金荞麦]]

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清虛熱 (herbs to clear ''deficiency heat'')


清虛熱 (herbs to clear ''deficiency heat'')


* [[地骨皮]], ''bark of the {{taxlink|Lycii radicis|species}}''


* [[地骨皮]], ''bark of the'' {{taxlink|Lycii radicis|species}}

* [[青蒿]], ''{{taxlink|Artemisia annuae|species}} plant''


* [[青蒿]], {{taxlink|Artemisia annuae|species}} ''plant''

* [[白薇]], ''root of the {{taxlink|Cynanchum atratum|species}}''


* [[白薇]], ''root of the'' {{taxlink|Cynanchum atratum|species}}

* [[银柴胡]], ''root of the ''[[Stellaria]]''''


* [[银柴胡]], ''root of the ''[[Stellaria]]

* [[胡黄连]], ''rhizome of the [[picrorhiza]]''


* [[胡黄连]], ''rhizome of the'' [[picrorhiza]]





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