Wednesday, February 27, 2013

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Wiktionary:Requested entries (German)
Feb 27th 2013, 16:36

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* {{l/de|mittelneolithisch}}


* {{l/de|mittelneolithisch}}


* {{l/de|Momo}}


* {{l/de|Momo}}


* {{l/de|Mitarbeiterin}}






Latest revision as of 16:36, 27 February 2013

Have an entry request? Add it to the list. - But please:

  • Think twice before adding long lists of words as they may be ignored.
  • If possible provide context, usage, field of relevance, etc.

Please remove entries from this list once they have been written (i.e., the link is "live", shown in blue, and has a section for the correct language)

There are a few things you can do to help:

  • Add glosses or brief definitions.
  • Add the part of speech, preferably using a standardized template.
  • Please indicate the gender(s) .
  • If you see inflected forms (plurals, past tenses, superlatives, etc) indicate the base form (singular, infinitive, absolute, etc) of the requested term and the type of inflection used in the request.
  • Don't delete words just because you don't know them — it may be that they are used only in certain contexts or are archaic or obsolete.
  • Don't simply replace words with what you believe is the correct form. The form here may be rare or regional. Instead add the standard form and comment that the requested form seems to be an error in your experience.

Requested-entry pages for other languages: Category:Requested entries by language. See also: Category:German terms needing attention.

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[edit] Non-letter

  • Flugrekorder m.: ? | Flug + Rekorder. Longtrend (talk) 15:48, 9 June 2012 (UTC)
  • forma mentis: 2011, Ronald Benedikter, "Soziales Bank- und Finanzwesen", in Sozialimpulse 2011-1: "Allerdings rühren auch diese Maßnahmen nicht an den Kern des Problems: An die bisherige Kultur, die "forma mentis" des Umgangs mit Kapital und die Grundmechanismen des internationalen Finanzsystems – also an das finanzpolitische Paradigma, das weitgehend unverändert weiterbesteht."
  • Frankenland n. -- Area in Southern Germany - Franconia; normally it's called simply Franken.
  • Freudenabteilung f.: "joy division", prostitute section of Nazi camps?
  • Fuas
  • Landsturm: "that part of the reserve force in Germany which is called out last" (Webster 1913)
  • Leberkäs, Leberkas, Leberkaas m. a type of meat-loaf with liver, esp. popular in South Germany. The standard spelling would be "Leberkäse", the others are dialect variations
  • Letztere - noun (the latter)
  • nachpatzen:
    • 1919, Rudolf Steiner, Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik, Dornach 1992, p.153
      Und heute kann noch niemand die plastische Kunst des Menschen wirklich durchdringen, der sich nicht bewußt wird dieses Zusammenhanges des Menschen mit dem Weltall. Sonst patzt er immer nur äußerlich die Naturformen nach.
  • paarmal: a few times
  • Paparz (from Low Prussian dialect)
  • Pawirpen (from Low Prussian dialect)
  • Piefke: see de:Piefke and w:de:Piefke
    • 2010, February, w:de:Andreas Hoppe, "Ich bin dann mal da! Das Abenteuer der regionale Ernährung", in demeter Journal
      Tiefes spirituelles Erleben dort hat mich mental zurückgeführt in den Berliner Garten meines Opas, wo ich als Piefke glücklich war und genährt wurde in jeder Beziehung.
  • {{|/de|Pluvialzeit}}
  • Prickler: prickles?, some kind of prickly fizzy? drink (probably mix of beer or wine and lemonade)
  • Prophetenzitat = a quotation from a prophet?
  • Ps = an abbreviation of something, I think — Psalms?
  • puddeln: to mess about, to mix together?
    • 1919, Rudolf Steiner, Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik, p.51
      Von diesem Zusammenhang versteht die neuere Wissenschaft sehr wenig; denn ihr ist die Natur gewissermaßen eine Einheit, und sie puddelt fortwährend durcheinander das Sterbende und das Werdende, so daß alles, was heute vielfach ausgesagt wird über die Natur und ihr Wesen, etwas ganz Konfuses ist, weil Sterben und Werden fortwährend durcheinandergemischt werden.
  • Reichsstand one of the three estates of the realm in the Holy Roman Empire
  • Remittendentisch m. table in bookstores with books at reduced prices
  • Schaukelbrett
  • schlohweiß see de:schlohweiß
  • Schluszakt | 7 bit spelling of Schlussakt (final act in an opera, drama etc) --MaEr (talk) 19:41, 20 January 2013 (UTC)
  • Schnörkellosigkeit the quality of being without unnecessary embellishments, e.g. die Schnörkellosigkeit seiner Rede = the directness of his speech
  • Schöpfungstag one of the seven days of creation from Genesis 1
  • Schuhplatten | should be Schuhplatteln ("the act of dancing the Schuhplattler") or Schuhplattler, see w:Schuhplattler --MaEr (talk) 19:41, 20 January 2013 (UTC)
  • Schwarzseherei — Google Translate gives this as one of its two translations of the English pessimism; the other being Pessimismus. | lit. "seeing black", someone who "sees black", always sees the bad side of things, yes, just a synonym for pessimism i guess. Mutante 19:46, 9 February 2010 (UTC)
  • Schweigeminute = minute's silence (in remembrance)
  • Sekundengeschwindigkeit f. - ? the speed of a second??? - expression for the speed of something that happens in a few seconds, mostly used to show that something has been done this fast that normally takes longer, compare German word "Windeseile"
  • Sinfonietta ("sinfonietta") — seemingly coined from Italian roots by Joachim Raff in 1874; perhaps whence the English sinfonietta (German term first attested in 1874, English in 1881, and Italian in 1884; French symphoniette first attested in 1872)
  • Sonderkommando, "special command"? some historical rank or duty during Holocaust | no rank, but a duty or a group of people doing this duty --MaEr (talk) 19:41, 20 January 2013 (UTC)
  • Sozialabgaben | f pl, "contributions to the social security (unemployment aid etc)" --MaEr (talk) 19:41, 20 January 2013 (UTC)
  • spack
  • Spath, also Spat: spar (mineral?).
  • Spätzle are a kind of dumpling.
  • sperren: a lot of senses, not to forget w:de:Sperren, e.g: to block, to barricade, obstruct access, prohibit, ban.
    This is a very specialized meaning of sperren. It means to typeset text with spaces between the letters for emphasis: g e s p e r r t ! !
    Indeed, and it is missing on the page. H. (talk) 10:27, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
  • Überlieferung = tradition; lore; custom?
  • übermütig -- "sie war übermütig " from Snow White in German. See Spiegel.
  • umfloss - simple past of umfließen
  • Um und Auf: 1886, Rudolf Steiner, Grundlinien einer Erkenntnistheorie der goetheschen Weltanschauung, p.58f: Man hat ja das ganze Um und Auf des Erkennens schon mit der letzteren gegeben. See also: de:um.
  • unbeirrt not dissuaded, sticking to an opinion/plan etc. in spite of opposition
  • unter der Fuchtel stehen to be under the control of another person. Originally this term meant the situation of a soldier who was subject to physical punishment (The "Fuchtel" was a broad sword which was used to inflict such a punishment by beating an offending soldier with the broad side).

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