Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wiktionary - Recent changes [en]: jauks

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Feb 27th 2013, 22:33

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#: '''''jauks''' ezers'' — '''lovely''' lake


#: '''''jauks''' ezers'' — '''lovely''' lake


#: '''''jauka''' pļava'' — '''nice''' meadow


#: '''''jauka''' pļava'' — '''nice''' meadow


#: '''''jauks''' dārzs'' — '''nice''', '''lovely''' garden


#: '''''jauks''' skats'' — '''nice''', '''pleasant''' view


#: '''''jauks''' smaids'' — '''nice''', '''lovely''' smile


#: '''''jauks''' smaids'' — '''nice''', '''lovely''' smile


#: '''''jauka''' noskaņa'' — '''nice''', '''good''' mood


#: '''''jauka''' noskaņa'' — '''nice''', '''good''' mood

Latest revision as of 22:33, 27 February 2013


[edit] Latvian

[edit] Etymology

From an earlier verb *jaukt ("to accustom; to tame"), of which the rare jaucēt ("to tame") q.v. was originally the iterative form. Semantic evolution: "accustomed, tamed" > "usual, habital" > "nice, pleasant" (cf. dialectal (Kurzeme) use jauks zirgs "tame horse"). Cognates include Lithuanian jaukùs ("tame, calm (animal); cozy, pleasant").[1]

[edit] Pronunciation

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[edit] Adjective

jauks (def. jaukais, comp. jaukāks, sup. visjaukākais; adv. jauki)

  1. (of people) nice, cute (who behaves kindly; having a pleasant, attractive appearance)
    jauka saimniecenice hostess
    jauki bērnicute children
    jauks kucēnscute puppy
    jauki kaķenicute kittens
    Mintauts ir labs... jauks, simpātisks puisis — Minauts is good... a nice, likeable guy
    tur ir skaistas meitas... Ieva ir ļoti jauka, man viņa vienmēr patikusi — there are beautiful girls there... Ieva is very nice, I always liked her
    ceļabiedre izrādījās jauka, simpātiska, gudra, saprātīga — (their) travel companion turned out to be a nice, likeable, intelligent, understanding (woman)
  2. nice, pretty, lovely (which pleases, causes pleasure, joy, either by itself or because of its content)
    jauka dāvananice gift
    jauki ziedilovely flowers
    jauks ezerslovely lake
    jauka pļavanice meadow
    jauks dārzsnice, lovely garden
    jauks skatsnice, pleasant view
    jauks smaidsnice, lovely smile
    jauka noskaņanice, good mood
    jauka grāmata, izrādenice book, show
    jauks koncertsnice concert
    ļoti jaukas rotas var darināt no dzintara — very nice jewelery can be made from amber
    zem palmām uzcelta jauka kafejnīca — under the palm trees a lovely cafe was built
    daba visapkārt tik jauka, viss zied tik krāšņi — nature all around (is) so lovely, everything grows so beautifully
  3. (of weather) nice, good, clear, calm (also of time periods characterized by such weather)
    jaukais laiks pagājis, iestājušās lietainas rudens dienas — the good, nice weather is gone, the rainy autumn days have come
    vakars bija tikpat jauks kā diena: ne vēja, ne vēsmiņas, tikai mīlīgie saules stari — the night was as nice as the day: no wind, no breezes, only lovely sunshine
  4. (of rain, air) nice, refreshing, fresh, brisk
    jauka lietusnice, refreshing rain
    zāles un valganas zemes smarža kā bezgala jauks, svaigs vilnis visapkārt — the leaves and the moist earth smelled like an infinite lovely, fresh wave all around
  5. nice, pleasant (relating to, containing something beautiful or joyful)
    jauks brīdis — a nice moment
    jauka dzīve — a nice life
    jaukas domasnice, pleasant thoughts
    jauks sapnis par nākotnipleasant dream about the future
    jaukas izredzesnice, pleasant prospects
    viņa bija skaista, slaika meita ar tumšbrūniem matiem un acīm, pašos jaukākos dzīvības gados — she was a beautiful, slender girl with dark brown hair and eyes, in the most pleasant years of (her) life
  6. (of words, texts) nice, good (having beneficial effects)
    jauki vārdinice, good words
    jauka vēstulenice letter

[edit] Declension

indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of jauks

[edit] Synonyms

[edit] Derived terms

[edit] References

  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns. 1992, 2001. Latviešu etimoloģijas vārdnīca. Rīga: AVOTS. ISBN 9984700127.

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