Friday, August 2, 2013

Wiktionary - Recent changes [en]: the end justifies the means

Wiktionary - Recent changes [en]
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the end justifies the means
Aug 3rd 2013, 02:10, by

(One intermediate revision by one user not shown)
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{{trans-top|morally wrong actions are sometimes necessary}}


{{trans-top|morally wrong actions are sometimes necessary}}


* Arabic: {{t-|ar|الغاية تبرر الوسيلة|sc=Arab}}


* Arabic: {{t-|ar|الغاية تبرر الوسيلة|sc=Arab}}


* Catalan: {{t|ca|els fins justifiquen els mitjans}}


* Chinese:


* Chinese:


*: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|只要目的正當,可以不擇手段|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|只要目的正当,可以不择手段|tr=zhǐyào mùdì zhèngdàng, kěyǐ bùzéshǒuduàn|sc=Hani}}


*: Mandarin: {{t|cmn|只要目的正當,可以不擇手段|sc=Hani}}, {{t|cmn|只要目的正当,可以不择手段|tr=zhǐyào mùdì zhèngdàng, kěyǐ bùzéshǒuduàn|sc=Hani}}

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* Greek: {{t+|el|ο σκοπός αγιάζει τα μέσα|sc=Grek}}


* Greek: {{t+|el|ο σκοπός αγιάζει τα μέσα|sc=Grek}}


* Hebrew: {{t+|he|המטרה מקדשת את האמצעים|tr=Hamatara Mekadeshet et Ha'emtza'im|sc=Hebr}}


* Hebrew: {{t+|he|המטרה מקדשת את האמצעים|tr=Hamatara Mekadeshet et Ha'emtza'im|sc=Hebr}}

* Hungarian: {{t-|hu|a cél szentesíti az eszközt}}






* Hungarian: {{t-|hu|a cél szentesíti az eszközt}}


* Icelandic: {{t+|is|tilgangurinn helgar meðalið}}


* Icelandic: {{t+|is|tilgangurinn helgar meðalið}}


* Italian: {{t|it|il fine giustifica i mezzi}}


* Japanese: {{t-|ja|目的のためには手段を選ばない|tr=mokuteki-no tame-ni wa shudan-o erabanai|sc=Jpan}}


* Japanese: {{t-|ja|目的のためには手段を選ばない|tr=mokuteki-no tame-ni wa shudan-o erabanai|sc=Jpan}}


* Latin: {{t-|la|exitus acta probat}}


* Latin: {{t-|la|exitus acta probat}}

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