Saturday, August 3, 2013

Top Stories - Google News: Zimbabwe's perplexing election - BBC News

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Zimbabwe's perplexing election - BBC News
Aug 3rd 2013, 23:33

3 August 2013 Last updated at 16:21 ET

A woman carrying a child casts her vote at a polling station in Domboshava, 31 JulyThe turnout was high, but the result has been confusion

Most elections provide answers. Zimbabwe's seems to be generating questions. As President Robert Mugabe romps to a devastating victory, here are a few that spring to mind…

Does the sheer size of Mr Mugabe's majority mean it's unlikely he could have rigged the vote to that extent, and therefore must have won legitimately?

What does this mean for Zimbabwe's economy? Will Zanu-PF match its campaign rhetoric on indigenisation with aggressive moves against foreign banks and other companies? And might that risk triggering a new crisis?

Can the MDC control the anger and frustration in its ranks? And can its leader Morgan Tsvangirai survive another defeat?

Mr Tsvangirai said his party wouldn't take part in any state "institutions". Will he stick to that promise?

Given that its concerns about the voters' roll were being articulated long before the election, would the MDC be in a stronger position if it had withdrawn from the ballot altogether?

Why, given its "grave concerns" about the voter roll (now echoed by the British government) did the African Union observer team rush to conclude that the election was "credible"?

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