Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wiktionary - Recent changes [en]: jerk

Wiktionary - Recent changes [en]
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30 Jun 2011, 6:36 pm

Added original slang meaning of noun.

← Older revision Revision as of 17:36, 30 June 2011
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# A quick, often unpleasant [[tug]] or shake.
# A quick, often unpleasant [[tug]] or shake.
#: ''When I yell "OK," give the mooring line a good '''jerk'''!''
#: ''When I yell "OK," give the mooring line a good '''jerk'''!''
# {{US|slang|pejorative}} A dull or stupid person. (This meaning is given in the American Heritage Dictionary of 1969 whereas the following meaning is not.)
# {{US|slang|pejorative}} A person with [[unlikable]] or [[obnoxious]] qualities and behavior, typically [[mean]], [[self-centered]]{{,}} or [[disagreeable]].
# {{US|slang|pejorative}} A person with [[unlikable]] or [[obnoxious]] qualities and behavior, typically [[mean]], [[self-centered]]{{,}} or [[disagreeable]].
#: ''I finally fired him, because he was being a real '''jerk''' to his customers, even to some of the staff.''
#: ''I finally fired him, because he was being a real '''jerk''' to his customers, even to some of the staff.''
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* {{sense|sudden movement}} [[jolt]], [[lurch]], [[jump]]
* {{sense|sudden movement}} [[jolt]], [[lurch]], [[jump]]
* {{sense|quick tug}} [[yank]]
* {{sense|quick tug}} [[yank]]
* {{sense|stupid person}} [[numbskull]]
* {{sense|unlikable person}} [[asshole]], [[bastard]].
* {{sense|unlikable person}} [[asshole]], [[bastard]].
* {{sense|physics, change in acceleration}} [[jolt]] {{qualifier|British}}, [[surge]], [[lurch]]
* {{sense|physics, change in acceleration}} [[jolt]] {{qualifier|British}}, [[surge]], [[lurch]]

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