Wednesday, March 20, 2013

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Mar 21st 2013, 00:41

  -- IPA to X-SAMPA transliteration table  -- Source:     -- Substitutions  --  -- Escaped double quotation mark \" used for "  -- Escaped backslash \\ used for \  -- HTML Latin entity &lt; used for <  -- HTML Latin entity &gt; used for >  -- HTML Latin entity &amp; used for &     -- Not represented in the table  --  -- "*"   undefined escape character, SAMPA's "conjunctor"    -- "/"   indeterminacy in French vowels      -- "&lt;"   begin nonsegmental notation (e.g., SAMPROSA)    -- "&gt;"   end nonsegmental notation       -- "_&lt;"  implosive (IPA uses separate symbols for implosives)           local IPA = {}     local ttable = {         -- PULMONIC CONSONANTS         -- nasal      ["m"] = "m", -- bilabial nasal      ["ɱ"] = "F", -- labiodental nasal      ["n"] = "n", -- alveolar nasal      ["ɳ"] = "n`", -- retroflex nasal      ["ɲ"] = "J", -- palatal nasal      ["ŋ"] = "N", -- velar nasal      ["ɴ"] = "N\\", -- uvular nasal        -- plosive      ["p"] = "p", -- voiceless bilabial plosive      ["b"] = "b", -- voiced bilabial plosive      ["t"] = "t", -- voiceless alveolar plosive      ["d"] = "d", -- voiced alveolar plosive      ["ʈ"] = "t`", -- voiceless retroflex plosive      ["ɖ"] = "d`", -- voiced retroflex plosive      ["c"] = "c", -- voiceless palatal plosive      ["ɟ"] = "J\\", -- voiced palatal plosive      ["k"] = "k", -- voiceless velar plosive      ["ɡ"] = "g", -- voiced velar plosive      ["q"] = "q", -- voiceless uvular plosive      ["ɢ"] = "G\\", -- voiced uvular plosive      ["ʡ"] = "&gt;\\", -- epiglottal plosive      ["ʔ"] = "?", -- glottal stop         -- fricative      ["ɸ"] = "p\\", -- voiceless bilabial fricative      ["β"] = "B", -- voiced bilabial fricative      ["f"] = "f", -- voiceless labiodental fricative      ["v"] = "v", -- voiced labiodental fricative      ["θ"] = "T", -- voiceless dental fricative      ["ð"] = "D", -- voiced dental fricative      ["s"] = "s", -- voiceless alveolar fricative      ["z"] = "z", -- voiced alveolar fricative      ["ʃ"] = "S", -- voiceless postalveolar fricative      ["ʒ"] = "Z", -- voiced postalveolar fricative      ["ʂ"] = "s`", -- voiceless retroflex fricative      ["ʐ"] = "z`", -- voiced retroflex fricative      ["ɕ"] = "s\\", -- voiceless alveolo-palatal fricative      ["ʑ"] = "z\\", -- voiced alveolo-palatal fricative      ["ç"] = "C", -- voiceless palatal fricative      ["ʝ"] = "j\\", -- voiced palatal fricative      ["x"] = "x", -- voiceless velar fricative      ["ɣ"] = "G", -- voiced velar fricative      ["χ"] = "X", -- voiceless uvular fricative      ["ʁ"] = "R", -- voiced uvular fricative      ["ħ"] = "X\\", -- voiceless pharyngeal fricative      ["ʕ"] = "?\\", -- voiced pharyngeal fricative      ["ʜ"] = "H\\", -- voiceless epiglottal fricative      ["ʢ"] = "&lt;\\", -- voiced epiglottal fricative      ["h"] = "h", -- voiceless glottal fricative      ["ɦ"] = "h\\", -- voiced glottal fricative         -- approximant      ["ʋ"] = "v\\", -- labiodental approximant (or P)      ["ɹ"] = "r\\", -- alveolar approximant      ["ɻ"] = "r\\`", -- retroflex approximant      ["j"] = "j", -- palatal approximant      ["ɰ"] = "M\\", -- velar approximant         -- tap, flap      ["ⱱ"] = "�", -- labiodental tap NOT IN X-SAMPA      ["ɾ"] = "4", -- alveolar flap      ["ɽ"] = "r`", -- retroflex flap         -- trill      ["ʙ"] = "B\\", -- bilabial trill      ["r"] = "r", -- alveolar trill      ["ʀ"] = "R\\", -- uvular trill      ["ᴙ"] = "�", -- epiglottal trill NOT IN X-SAMPA         -- lateral fricative      ["ɬ"] = "K", -- voiceless alveolar lateral fricative      ["ɮ"] = "K\\", -- voiced alveolar lateral fricative      -- ["ɬ̢"] = "", -- voiceless retroflex lateral fricative (no precomposed Unicode character)      -- ["ʎ̝̊"] = "", -- voiceless palatal lateral fricative (no precomposed Unicode character)      -- ["ʟ̝̊"] = "", -- voiceless velar lateral fricative (no precomposed Unicode character)      -- ["ʟ̝"] = "", -- voiced velar lateral fricative (no precomposed Unicode character)         -- lateral approximant      ["l"] = "l", -- alveolar lateral approximant      ["ɭ"] = "l`", -- retroflex lateral approximant      ["ʎ"] = "L", -- palatal lateral approximant      ["ʟ"] = "L\\", -- velar lateral approximant         -- lateral flap      ["ɺ"] = "l\\", -- alveolar lateral flap      -- ["ɭ̆"] = "", -- retroflex lateral flap (no precomposed Unicode character)      -- ["ɺ˞"] = "", -- retroflex lateral flap (no precomposed Unicode character)         -- NON-PULMONIC CONSONANTS         -- clicks      ["ʘ"] = "O\\", -- bilabial click      ["ǀ"] = "|\\", -- dental click      ["ǃ"] = "!\\", -- postalveolar click      ["‼"] = "�", -- subapical retroflex MISSING      ["ǂ"] = "=\\", -- palatal click      ["ǁ"] = "|\\|\\", -- alveolar lateral click         -- implosives      ["ɓ"] = "b_&lt;", -- voiced bilabial implosive      ["ɗ"] = "d_&lt;", -- voiced alveolar implosive      ["ᶑ"] = "�", -- retroflex implosive MISSING      ["ʄ"] = "J\\_&lt;", -- voiced palatal implosive      ["ɠ"] = "g_&lt;", -- voiced velar implosive      ["ʛ"] = "G\\_&lt;", -- voiced uvular implosive         -- ejectives      ["ʼ"] = "_&gt;", -- ejective         -- CO-ARTICULATED CONSONANTS      ["ʍ"] = "W", -- voiceless labial-velar fricative      ["w"] = "w", -- labial-velar approximant      ["ɥ"] = "H", -- labial-palatal approximant      ["ɧ"] = "x\\", -- voiceless palatal-velar fricative         -- BRACKETS      -- ["//"] = "//", -- morphophonemic      -- ["/"] = "/", -- phonemic      -- ["["] = "[", -- phonetic      -- ["["] = "]", -- phonetic      ["〈"] = "<", -- orthographic      ["〉"] = ">", -- orthographic      ["⟨"] = "<", -- orthographic      ["⟩"] = ">", -- orthographic         -- VOWELS         -- close      ["i"] = "i", -- close front unrounded vowel      ["y"] = "y", -- close front rounded vowel      ["ɨ"] = "1", -- close central unrounded vowel      ["ʉ"] = "}", -- close central rounded vowel      ["ɯ"] = "M", -- close back unrounded vowel      ["u"] = "u", -- close back rounded vowel         -- near close      ["ɪ"] = "I", -- near-close near-front unrounded vowel      ["ʏ"] = "Y", -- near-close near-front rounded vowel      ["ᵻ"] = "I\\", -- near-close central unrounded vowel      ["ɪ̈"] = "I\\", -- near-close central unrounded vowel (alternative)      ["ᵿ"] = "U\\", -- near-close central rounded vowel      ["ʊ̈"] = "U\\", -- near-close central rounded vowel (alternative)      ["ʊ"] = "U", -- near-close near-back rounded vowel         --close mid      ["e"] = "e", -- close-mid front unrounded vowel      ["ø"] = "2", -- close-mid front rounded vowel      ["ɘ"] = "@\\", -- close-mid central unrounded vowel      ["ɵ"] = "8", -- close-mid central rounded vowel      ["ɤ"] = "7", -- close-mid back unrounded vowel      ["o"] = "o", -- close-mid back rounded vowel         -- mid      ["ə"] = "@", -- schwa         -- open mid      ["ɛ"] = "E", -- open-mid front unrounded vowel      ["œ"] = "9", -- open-mid front rounded vowel      ["ɜ"] = "3", -- open-mid central unrounded vowel      ["ɞ"] = "3\\", -- open-mid central rounded vowel      ["ʌ"] = "V", -- open-mid back unrounded vowel      ["ɔ"] = "O", -- open-mid back rounded vowel         -- near open      ["æ"] = "{", -- near-open front unrounded vowel      ["ɐ"] = "6", -- near-open central vowel         -- open      ["a"] = "a", -- open front unrounded vowel      ["ɶ"] = "&amp;", -- open front rounded vowel      ["ɑ"] = "A", -- open back unrounded vowel      ["ɒ"] = "Q", -- open back rounded vowel         -- SUPRASEGMENTALS      ["ˈ"] = "\"", -- primary stress [escaped double quotation mark]      -- ["???"] = "�", -- extra stress MISSING      ["ˌ"] = "%", -- secondary stress      ["ː"] = ":", -- long      ["ˑ"] = ":\\", -- half long      ["̆"] = "_X", -- extra-short      ["."] = ".", -- syllable break      ["‿"] = "-\\", -- linking mark         [" "] = "-", -- separator         -- TONE         -- level tones      ["˥"] = "_T", -- top      ["˦"] = "_H", -- high      ["˧"] = "_M", -- mid      ["˨"] = "_L", -- low      ["˩"] = "_B", -- bottom         ["̋"] = "_T", -- extra high tone      ["́"] = "_H", -- high tone      ["̄"] = "_M", -- mid tone      ["̀"] = "_L", -- low tone      ["̏"] = "_B", -- extra low tone         -- tone terracing      ["ꜛ"] = "^", -- upstep      ["ꜜ"] = "!", -- downstep         -- contour tones      ["̌"] = "_/", -- rising tone (or "_R")      ["̂"] = "_\\", -- falling tone (or "_F")      ["᷄"] = "_H_T", -- high rising tone      ["᷅"] = "_B_L", -- low rising tone      ["᷇"] = "_T_H", -- high falling tone      ["᷆"] = "_L_B", -- low falling tone      ["᷈"] = "_R_F", -- rising falling tone (peaking)      ["᷉"] = "_F_R", -- dipping [extrapolated from the chart -- please confirm]         -- intonation      ["|"] = "|", -- minor (foot) group      ["‖"] = "||", -- major (intonation) group      ["↗"] = "&lt;R&gt;", -- global rise      ["↘"] = "&lt;F&gt;", -- global fall         -- DIACRITICS         -- syllabicity & releases      ["̩"] = "=", -- syllabic (or _=)      ["̯"] = "_^", -- non-syllabic      ["ʰ"] = "_h", -- aspirated      ["ⁿ"] = "_n", -- nasal release      ["ˡ"] = "_l", -- lateral release      ["̚"] = "_}", -- no audible release         -- phonation      ["̥"] = "_0", -- voiceless      ["̬"] = "_v", -- voiced      ["̤"] = "_t", -- breathy voice      ["̰"] = "_k", -- creaky voice      -- ["????"] = "�", -- strident (no Unicode character)         -- primary articulation      ["̪"] = "_d", -- dental      ["̺"] = "_a", -- apical      ["̻"] = "_m", -- laminal      ["̟"] = "_+", -- advanced      ["̠"] = "_-", -- retracted      ["̼"] = "_N", -- linguolabial      ["̈"] = "_\"", -- centralized      ["̽"] = "_x", -- mid-centralized      ["̞"] = "_o", -- lowered      ["̝"] = "_r", -- raised         -- secondary articulation      ["ʷ"] = "_w", -- labialized      ["ʲ"] = "_j", -- palatalized (or ')      ["ˠ"] = "_G", -- velarized      ["ˤ"] = "_?\\", -- pharyngealized      ["̴"] = "_e", -- velarized or pharyngealized; also see 5      ["ɫ"] = "5", -- velarized alveolar lateral approximant; also see _e      ["̹"] = "_O", -- more rounded      ["̜"] = "_c", -- less rounded      ["̃"] = "~", -- nasalization (or _~)      ["˞"] = "`", -- rhotacization in vowels, retroflexion in consonants (IPA uses separate symbols for consonants, see t` for an example)      ["̘"] = "_A", -- advanced tongue root      ["̙"] = "_q", -- retracted tongue root     }     function IPA.XSAMPA(frame)      local result = (mw.ustring.gsub(frame.args[1], ".", ttable))      return result  end     return IPA  

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