Friday, July 1, 2011

Wiktionary - Recent changes [en]: a cold day in Hell

Wiktionary - Recent changes [en]
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a cold day in Hell
1 Jul 2011, 6:40 pm

t+fr:quand les poules auront des dents t+fr:la semaine des quatre jeudis (Assisted)

← Older revision Revision as of 17:40, 1 July 2011
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* Dutch: [[met Sint Juttemis]]; [[als pasen en pinksteren op één dag vallen]]
* Dutch: [[met Sint Juttemis]]; [[als pasen en pinksteren op één dag vallen]]
* Finnish: [[kun helvetti jäätyy]] (when Hell freezes over)
* Finnish: [[kun helvetti jäätyy]] (when Hell freezes over)
* French: [[quand les poules auront des dents]] (when hens will have teeth), [[la semaine des quatre jeudis]] (on the week with four Thursdays)
* French: [[quand les poules auront des dents]] (when hens will have teeth), [[la semaine des quatre jeudis]] (on the week with four Thursdays), {{t|fr|quand les poules auront des dents|tr=when hens will have teeth}}, {{t|fr|la semaine des quatre jeudis|tr=on the week with four Thursdays}}
* German: [[nie im Leben]] (not in a lifetime)
* German: [[nie im Leben]] (not in a lifetime)
* Hungarian: [[majd ha piros hó esik]] (when red snowflakes is snowing), [[majd ha cigánygyerekek potyognak az égből]] (when gipsy children are streaming from the sky), [[majd ha a pokol befagy]] (when Hell freezes over)
* Hungarian: [[majd ha piros hó esik]] (when red snowflakes is snowing), [[majd ha cigánygyerekek potyognak az égből]] (when gipsy children are streaming from the sky), [[majd ha a pokol befagy]] (when Hell freezes over)

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