For more than two weeks, gay rights advocates have stood at the steps of the United States Supreme Court waiting to hear decisions from the justices about two cases that will affect millions of gays and lesbians across the nation. With each day that passed without a ruling, they left disappointed.
But Wednesday marks the last day the court will convene for this term, and decisions are expected to be handed down for both the Defense of Marriage Act, known as DOMA, which denies federal benefits to gay and lesbian married couples, and Proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriage in California.
Dozens of people made their way to the court building on Tuesday night, beginning around 7:30 p.m., to sit in line in order to be admitted inside on Wednesday morning to hear the decisions. By 7 a.m. Wednesday the line stretched down the front steps and wrapped around the corner. People stood up to start walking into the building at about 7:15 a.m., and court officials started handing out tickets to enter.
Coffee cups and candy wrappers lined the sidewalk and a few sleepy college-aged boys brushed their teeth in the street. "You only can sleep on the cement and witness history once," said Joanne Joseph, a law student at Cornell who is studying religious freedom.
In the early morning, the scene in front of the court was relatively tame compared with the throngs outside the hearings that took place in March, but bigger crowds were expected. News media crews clogged the sidewalk in front of the building.
Maureen Mentrek and Karna Adam, both sophomores at Dartmouth, said they came to the court last night at 9:30 p.m. to get in line. They said they slept for about an hour, with pillows and sleeping bags on the sidewalk.
"It's a huge landmark case and to actually be able to see it and to see these people in line so passionate about it is really great," Ms. Adam said. "It is a changing time for us and these cases are like the civil rights cases used to be for past generations."
Jared Millrad, a lawyer who lives in Washington, arrived at the court at about 11 p.m. Tuesday night. He said he came to hear the decisions because DOMA personally affects him. He and his boyfriend got engaged last month in New York and hope to be married within a year.
"I came for those who couldn't be here whether living or dead, including those heroes of mine in the LGBT community," Mr. Millrad said.
The court will begin handing down decisions at 10 a.m.